Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Will likely cost millions though!

Too much tv

Heā€™s a fucking wanker. I wish heā€™d fuck off out the estuary on his little rowing boat into the wild atlanticā€¦

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Could you post the full article please? Iā€™ve reached my weekly limit!

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@Thomas_Brady or other Limerick historians.
Whatā€™s the verdict on Sean South, not a character Iā€™ve ever read much about.
Article in the leader has mixed messages, suggesting he may have been a fascist and anti semite?

Bit of a religious looper. Read somewhere he used to run around Limerick at night with a flashlight announcing himself to courting couples.

He could turn up anywhere when the shades of night came down


Its best not to scratch too deeply on some of those heros. Pearse sounds like he was mentally deranged altogether

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Get Behind me Satan

They werenā€™t saints. They were fighting in a war

I read somewhere that he was a phony. He took credit for others doings. I really donā€™t know

Heā€™s basically famous for being shot sure. He hardly faked that. Or did he :eyes::eyes::eyes:


He wrote the song himself before he died


Was he shot? He was probably up to no good then.

Like a lot of men from that period he was a far right Catholic nationalist. Tons of IRA men from the WOI went that way, whether they continued IRA or Free State supporters in the aftermathā€¦ Most Uber Catholics are far right and it shows how much of a grip Catholicism had on the nation.


Itā€™s up there now

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He wasnā€™t even from Garryowen

This is a wonderful line

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It must have been tough growing up in a subway

This is it, and the more we mature as a nation, the harder it becomes to revere this kind of stuff. The basics are, South tried to shoot up a police station and he didnā€™t really achieve anything in doing this other than getting himself shot.

He got himself a sweet ass song though.