Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Shannon Airport. Hate to say it, but is it literally a dead duck at this stage. Very little flights going in and out anymore. Maybe things will improve next year. Itā€™s hard to know.

It is unfortunate as itā€™s so handy. Iā€™m not sure if its in the sustainable development goals plans though
Likewise Cork airport could be under pressure going forward.

Cork had a good few new routes announced with Ryanair there last week.

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It would to be fair. The footfall would be there too for sure.

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Light rail from the Pairc into town would be a game changer


I always prefer to fly anywhere but out of Dublin. Last 18 months have been particularly hard on Shannon airport. Maybe not so much Cork.

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Tbh if you made it a bus only route in either direction would have same impact for about 1/10000th of the cost

Cork was dead for 18 months and then they closed the runway to extend it just as things were opening up. You literally could not fucking make it up


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:grin: surely they could have done that 12 months ago ffs.

To be fair, its a handy airport to get in and out of.

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for Cagers

not so good for planes


They are gone mad out there

Raise it to the ground.

Anyone have a wank to the throw back out and about pages of the local papers? Some fine wans back in the dayā€¦

You must be reading a different version of the Limerick leader

You must have defiled Celia Holman-Lee and Emma Oā€™Driscoll a fair amount.

She hasnā€™t made an appearance on the auld birds thread in a whileā€¦

that is because she looks like a dehydrated iguana

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Thereā€™s been far worse posted there.

I passed through Kilmallock there the other day. Itā€™s an awful spot in fairness

Pity you didnā€™t call in for tay. I could have given you the two in a row book in person. I got Mul to sign it for you and all.

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