Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Loads of fellas out walking these days, aulder lads, bar lounge wear from the waist up, tracksuit from the waist down. Classic.

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Reebok Classics?

More Striders/Sizzlers


That is classic old-school manager chic

Thatā€™s it. :slight_smile:

One of those v neck sweaters from Shaws with the stripe or block design down the front right hand side as well. Tog off then on a warm day to the formal short sleeve check shirt.
It wouldnā€™t necessarily be roaster wear though. I think roaster wear is a different affair, but you would find roasters in that type of clobber as well.


Steel toe cap up the hole normally sorts it

Emmett o Brien vs China

He couldnā€™t handle Kildimo GAA I donā€™t give him much chance against China :joy:


ā€œThe people of Limerick have done their patriotic duty and adhered to the lockdown but now it seems clear the Fine Gael caretaker government wants to continue on a lockdown with a phased reopening with so many riddles and caveats you wouldnā€™t see at a Papal Curia! In plain speak people want small businesses open and to get back to work. Ireland is incredibly slower in reopening than other European countries but people will be ahead of the curve and start opening up their businesses regardless,ā€ he said

I always said he was a great man.


Whos this guy? Finally a politician with his finger on the nations pulse

Finger up his own hole more likely.


The much loved chairman. Sure Dalys and Chinese go back a long way I guess

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Any response from China yet?

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Iā€™d imagine this is over his falling out with DJ Daly. DJ gets the flags made in China.


Heā€™s a bitter auld cunt

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For a politician he has little or no smarts. Falling out with popular and well known gaa figures is never a good thing for a politician.

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He canā€™t help it.I hear he owes a lot of people money for work on the house ringmoylan.

Itā€™s some house.

I havenā€™t been down there in ages.Its a lovely spot for a house TBF.