Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

what happened ?

Thatā€™s the fucking issue mate, they havenā€™t told us

I heard on the radio it was closed due to an accident at Reens Pike

I heard about it on the radio on Friday evening.



Itā€™s almost like they felt that the radio was a more effective way of reaching drivers than posting it on social media.


The point is not everybody will hear it on the radio. At least if itā€™s tweeted by the relevant authorities then everyone can see it. I wanted to know Saturday morning if it was still closed, but Twitter & Google was giving me nada. The Journal didnā€™t have it either. Surely if a main national primary is closed for 24 hours youā€™d think one of them would report it.

Soccer is the number one game in the city. Far more participants than egg chasing. GAA has a bit of ground to make up but itā€™s growing.

Fact junior soccer is huge. Rubby is very big but gains a bigger crowd relative to the scooter support. Saying that there is a big number of clubs

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Terrible experience so far in Limerick

Whats wrong with you now

Iā€™d confidently say the majority of people who go to matches in Thomond Park have never played rugby in their life. Most of them are hangers on. Itā€™s seen as trendy in middle class circles to attend games of rogbee. Not AIL games of course, they wouldnā€™t be seen dead at those.


There was neā€™er a covid passport or social distancing on display in the westward ho earlier

Weā€™re you the roaster who came in wearing a pair of wellies?

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Town is lawless. Great to see.


Youā€™ve just described an alickadoo.

No but Iā€™d love to know who that was? Bar fly? I can take a guess.

And vice versa. Iā€™d burn the cunts

Did you join the parade?

The levels of drunkneness on display in limerick city last night was off the charts. Half the city was out at bingo loco at 3pm and the other half was watching the football from half 4.
Twas like the last days of the roman empire