Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

No that was for stalwarts only

When do you think we will be watching re-runs of Pure Mule & the 2004 Munster Final ??

What is Bingo Loco ???

If the rest of the country was anything like Limerick city last night, then I’d say about two weeks

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Bingo but it’s like loco

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We’ve flipped THE TRADITIONAL GAME OF Bingo on its head AND TURNED IT INTO INTO A 3 HOUR LONG interactive STAGE SHOW COMPLETE with dance-offs, lip sync battles, throwback anthems, confetti showers, and prizes ranging from cars to lawnmowers.

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Last night was my first time ever out in Limerick city.

Why is every pub called Flannerys?

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how much had you to drink?

Flannerys is Limerick slang for pub



No doubt about it that the Manchester United v Liverpool game was the bigger game than the county final among Limerick people yesterday.

Myself and @endakenny had to bend over backwards to find a TV showing the hurling.

I was in that Quick Pick/Mini Market only last week and the aforementioned Mr O’Brien was beside me getting food. Not the first time scumbags have kicked off in there. One of the workers was bottled in the head about three years back.

Savage dedication

And the picture upside down when you found one then, Lord tis a terror.

Ye should have stayed in mordor and watched it ye fucking orcs

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Where did you end up watching it?

Some quiet place with nobody there.

It was probably called Flannerys like all the rest of the pubs in Limerick.

The Flannerys are all rugby bars.

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Limerick has some great pubs mate. There wouldn’t be many in the city that I’d class GAA pubs though. Maybe a few of the lads would know better here.

Patsy Nichols


He was told beforehand he’d struggle to find some place showing the match and he should go to Patsy Nichols, then complains he could find nowhere showing the match.