Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Limerick folk very bad to support economic development in the county

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Correction: Fredaā€™s out in Ballinanty have the fried chicken on the planet.


Land isnā€™t exactly prime agricultural in the first place.
How are ground based panels going to be intrusive?
Road traffic would be minimal once building works had finished.

Leaching of water table? Wtf.
Couldnā€™t be worse than the excessive amounts of Sprays & Nitrates the ground is already getting trying to kill rushā€™s & weeds to allow the grass grow after the Fertiliser.


Donā€™t forget the bats. Thereā€™s fierce concern for bats amongst the Irish NIMBY community.

It doesnā€™t make any sense, you can still graze sheep around the panels and they actually look nice when in place

Neighbours losing their shit with whoever sold the land making a few quid most likely issue

Iā€™d say if a cheque came in the door, youd see a quick shift in attitude.

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Jaysus, the climbing walls in UL are something else, brilliant for all the family, serious workout as well, the kids love it, great sense of achievement, even the easy walls are tough, 16 metres doesnā€™t sound that high until you see it


Iā€™m glad to say I voted yes in the referendum for future students to pay additional fees to pay for this and the new student centre. I left my mark in my final year


A money laundering arrest this evening is the talk of the town. Closing in on the gym & drugs crew.


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Any particular gym?

or Jimā€¦ :popcorn:

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Are they like that Gym & Coffee crowd?

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Ya she unfortunately deleted her Instagram yesterday.

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PM please Iā€™m intrigued

I see Darren is opening another coffee shop on the Ennis rd.Fair play to him.

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Place behind St. Maryā€™s Credit Union I heard

Itā€™s behind the Gaelic Grounds, at the corner of the open stand and Clare end terrace.

Was that an old shop before?