Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

The two lads will be back drinking tea again in a few years whenever the marketing execs tell the hipsters that’s what is cool and alternative


Back to the homophobia again is it? You’re some steamer.

I haven’t drank tea since I was about 7. I can’t believe grown men still drink it.

It’s true what they say about you so. You wouldn’t drink warm tae

It’s been there a while, they changed the name and moved from noodles and bao to burgers and bao.

Ate there once, wasn’t hectic.

I’d guess that’s some kinda healthy eating place ?

Is it a play on words on the keto diet?

Ya. Keto place

I’d imagine so

A healthy fast food place. I wish them well

The place Gasta had queues out the door for the first two weeks it opened. It was closed within 2 years.

A trip in to town to eat out is for a pig out for a lot of people. The lads wanting to eat healthy look after that themselves and there isn’t enough people in the City to sustain it with lads needing it during work

I’d be more worried about location. That unit couldn’t even keep a subway going

Sean Sabhat would be proud

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It something different to a pound shop or bookies all the same, someone having a go. I wish them well but realistically you’d have to worry for it

Food businesses in general are tough going. Most of them don’t last very long.

Aye. You’ve to be very lucky to keep a chef and get a name. Once you’re an institution you can do whateve, the name is got, there are a few in Limerick

:musical_note: “Seán Sabhat of 49 Henry Street” :musical_note:

Just didn’t have the same ring to it