Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

World frisbee coming too

Frisbee is a great game to watch, there was a tournament on in UL one time , inter college, I was mesmerised, a bit like American football, much quicker obviously, but move the frisbee from one end to the other, one team on offence , one on defence

It’s great. Great watch live when they go full throttle

I’ve even introduced it at hurling training as hand positioning same for catching sliotar as it is frisbee. Helps some of the younger kids who are struggling as obv pace of frisbee slower. Also doesn’t hurt them which some fear initially with the sliotar.


Who owns Munster Trade Sales lads?

Howrya boss

Would you buy a motor off them?

I was told not to only recently by a mechanic but then another lad I know bought a car and had no issues.

I got mine off them, no issues in 3 years

I’m told a few people are unhappy Kyler is promoting them. Hence I was wondering what the back story is?

A Google search doesn’t reveal much info on them.

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Deary me

Ya another Bawn motors job, places are everywhere now.

Deary deary me

What are lads on about here, that NCW is a shit hole of a town? In fairness I wouldn’t be a fan of the bastards but the town itself is far from a sithole, it’s very well kept with nice shops, decent cafés and restaurants and looks nice. The square with the Castle as a back drop, the Demesne just up from the town centre…there isn’t too many rural towns around like it. It’s a grand spot, and has an unfair reputation night life wise (used to be awfully rough but long since changed)

Townie bastards though

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What are you shitting on about, mate?

Kyler asked Éamon 0’Neil to check it out for him and he text back saying “job is oxo” so Kyler ploughed on :ok_hand:

Kiely is fuming over it


Make absolute shit of the hospital by closing two other hospitals and never adding the beds you promised you would to cope with the extra capacity.

Then you pay your mates in a private hospital to do the job instead. Saving the state a few bob in the near term and costing the state an absolute fortune in the long run



They are due to start construction of a new 96 bed unit in the next few months, with a planned completion date of the end of 2023.

Haemorrhaging Irish nurses left, right and centre inside there at the moment. Huge amount of Indian nurses in particular have joined in recent years.

Broke the national record for patients waiting on a trolley the other week, at 111. Less than 600 beds in a hospital catering for a catchment area of 400,000 and they act surprised when this happens year after year… :man_shrugging:

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