Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Hon Emmet :joy:

I met those boys on the flight over I’d say. They were gas.

Didn’t hear of any trouble though.

Good bunch of lads, some right messers in that crew.

They were funny alright.

Thats brilliant to be fair. What’s your one o Donovan’s deal? She’s a scodem? Is she a loose cannon that can work with nobody and then screams about it? I’d watch a few council meetings occasionally and you’d see a lot of the councillors from different parties working together and agreeing a fair amount of the time.

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Wet road. If there was someone coming against you around the bend and you’re a little bit too fast could easily happen.

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O’Donovan was in the Socdems, left, and is now back. Involved in plenty of feuds in-person and online so probably isn’t the best person to reach across the aisle to get a motion passed.


She seems incredibly needy


Same in a lot of towns
Some parts of Cork are lethal
As is ( was anyway sixmilebridge)
Came around a corner back in tbe day a few times too fast- all over the gaff)

Some poets in Limerick. The guy in black hat looking shifty

You’re looking shifty enough yourself :grinning:

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A cross between Ian Bailey and Arlene Foster second from the right there.

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James Horncastle and Ian Bailey

What happened that Bourke chap, was found on Parnell Street?

Mark O’Connor is some rogue :laughing:

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He played for Ireland junior soccer international and rugby Irish school boys back in the day

What happened him?

He got kilt

Was it a random attack or a fight? The news said it happened out side McKenna’s where he managed for years…