Even more mayhem regarding Limerick


Can we confirm Mittens is ok?

I just saw her Instagram stories. There are some weird people out there. Whoever that Cathal McCarthy isā€¦ Sweet Jesus what a sad sad man.

What stories are they mate?

That lad is unhinged

Itā€™s actually frightening, he needs to be stopped, must be terrifying for her

He hangs with Dolores Cahill, Justin Barrett, Dr. Pat Morrisey and the likes; of course heā€™s a bit of a fairy.

Heā€™s mental, I think it was him she had a run in with outside the church that time

Lot of weirdos annoying this lady

If only you lads knew the half of it.

Victim-blaming now :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The cohort involved in Limerick politics and social media are all mental. A good guide for an election, have i seen them on social media?


Assuming itā€™s Cathal McCarthy again he deserves a proper hiding

What a creep


Thatā€™s just you making assumptions and putting words in my mouth.

Youā€™ll be cancelled again :man_shrugging:t2:

Do you think I was cancelled before?

Youā€™re only assuming that I am, and trying to put words in my mouth now

Heā€™s an absolute legend.

You inferred I was cancelled once , your words, not mine.