Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Scartaglin where the woman ride the men


Did you ate in the Devon Inn?

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


You’d hope Flan ignores inflation and keeps it at a fiver.


Inflation doesn’t bother that man when the fivers go straight to the bookies or into his pocket.

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A fucking hole of a place. Both dicon and costellos


Will the Icon be a big version of costelloes? Imagine the smell out of the jacks if so!

An argument broke out between two of them. The staff, who were exemplary, were over straight away and it was all calmed down. It seems the female members of the entourage got involved, started ranting and raving, and it all kicked off again.

Fucking women

You leave Costelloes alone


:blush::blush::blush:never heard that​:clap::clap::clap::clap:

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I swore during covid i wouldnt ruin a night by going there no matter how hard my arm is twisted. Enjoy nights out, could be taking away again.

I’d say you could ruin a night in an empty room

Costello’s is the Greatest night venue on the planet bar none.


Askeaton ?

Joe Canning needs to step in here to mediate.

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I didn’t.

I was tempted but my tongue was hanging out so I blasted straight through. I phoned an order in to the Noble Grill and picked it up on the way through Firies. Top quality fare.

The Limerick flags all along the route are a sight to behold. I was low on everything today passing back through NCW and then that massive flag over the river perked me right up.

We are a credit to ourselves.


Two of them used to be best friends supposedly. I’d say fat pat is raging at how well he is doing. I thought he wouldn’t last the year. But its a better version of supermacs

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