Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

I read that as a one eyed witness …

I was surprised to hear that both Caherdavin schools have been awarded DEIS status

A good working class area

Not like Douglas


Jesus lads, ye took that Douglas thing very badly, fierce unusual to be so wound up by something that has no relevance whatsoever to ye :man_shrugging:

It’s tfk. People are taking the piss, the douglas discussion has become a meme.

Neither of us can ever mention douglas or working class again

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How do you stand on your side?

What’s DEIS?

Delivering Equality of Opportunity In Schools.

Dept. Of Education strategy to help children and young people who are at risk of or are experiencing educational disadvantage.

It would indicate that quite a significant percentage of the kids would be economically disadvantaged

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I told you that the other day, parts of caherdavin are what you would call deprived

Ah that’s @thelimericks sense of humour you see. They should be on the telly

Schools where the parents don’t bother their holes to feed their kids, so the state has to do it.

I don’t want to start the traveller debate again but all the kids from the halting site on the Ennis Road would go to Caherdavin schools. I’m not saying they are swaying the balance but…

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Google told me what the acronym stood for but I needed to ask to get the real nuts and bolts TFK meaning, thanks!

I heard they were very DEIS.

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I suppose it is their local school, but it isn’t that big, couldn’t be more than a couple of dozen kids between the two schools

The Regeneration in Moyross has placed a lot of families into Corporation purchased houses mingled through all the estates. I couldn’t put a number on them either.

fella, parts of caherdavin are very poor, without blaming travellers and people from Moyross, there’s 43 people in clondrinagh, 21 kids. I wouldn’t imagine all of them are still going to school