Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

he isnt in a wheelchair or pushing a pram


That shit never bothered me before. But then Mama J was in a wheelchair for her last year. Watching her trying to go down a path like the above or cross a road when somebody had absent mindedly parked across the ramp would break your heart. People have no idea of the chaos they cause with their parking.


Irs dreadful, The day that good citizens get rewarded financially for snitchting isnt far away tbh

I won’t be joining yourself and @Funtime in the Canary Club but i think a movement whereby it became socially acceptable to key someone’s car if they do this stuff would make the situation better overnight.


Traffic is absolute carnage in Limerick since the schools went back, I don’t know how fellas do the commuting

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Twenty minutex in the car. Imagine that!

suncream lotion is meant to be great for destroying cages

This was never going to be let happen

You’re becoming more blueshirt than the blueshirts themselves.

huh? attacking cagers = protecting the vulnerable

Married At First Sight No GIF by Lifetime

It’s some chore to get through the planning process in this country.

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They got done on a technicality

There’s rats in every ditch

Touts out!


But at last week’s council meeting, executives from the LDA were criticised by members for its timeline, which suggested planning permission may not be sought until the end of 2024, with construction from 2026.

“We have set out an indicative timeline, but I think it’s important to caveat that by saying the planning process at the moment is a challenging environment. We would hope obviously to get schemes into it as soon as possible, but we really are dependent on the planning system and the efficiency of it,” said Alan Kelly, strategic planning manager at the LDA.

He seems to be blaming a process they won’t commence for another two years as the reason for delays.

Ye fucking love yer quarters

ye love yer sisters