Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Ah jaysus

A quarter of hash and a 2litre of Linden Village.

We once had a Jewish quarter and all.
But thatā€™s gone now.

The SCR cycleway discussions are getting proper nasty, @Julio_Geordio , sone consultation meeting in Fennessys today was not for the faint hearted, (Iā€™m lead to believe)

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I heard there were threats of physical violence

I havenā€™t really looked at. Who is losing out? I presume they can fit in the cycle lane all the way to Fennesseys without discomoding too many? Is it from there on that people are angry because the parking will have to go?
The people who abandon their cars at the squeeze point to Fenneseys as well, but all those fuckers have drive ways.

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Youā€™d have a lot of old Limerick money well heeled professionals on that route Iā€™d say

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All I know is that Iā€™m now in a whattsapp group where people may be brave enough to refer to local politicians as cunts, or even unhingedšŸ˜®

One quite elderly man apparently lost the plot a bit today,


Limerick is a joke for squabbles and cunts thinking they are important. Im all for stubborn bitterness, itā€™s our inheritance and birthright handed down for nearly 1000 yearsā€¦but cunts getting all uppity and full of their own self importance - thatā€™s something i canā€™t stand.

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Nimbys will be nimbys

Will the politicians be brave enough to do the right thing

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Itā€™s pretty much a done deal, everybody wants it except the unfortunate elderly residents who (bizarrely) appear to be worried about their houses losing value as much as reduced parking :man_shrugging:

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Thats good to hear, there is evidence that bike lanes increase value, i can send it on to you

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A done deal?

So much for ā€œconsultationā€

Eh, the very next line says everyone wants it mate

A pile of cock like a citizens assembly then mate.

So you are anti consultation

Thats the thing, nimbys pull out that statement without even knowing the facts. Like businesses against pedestrianised street.

Fire up the bike lanes

Coach Kiely will sort it all out when heā€™s elected mayor

What consultation?

Apparently itā€™s a done deal mate.

Was up that way again yesterday lad. Iā€™m afraid those 2 ā€œmountain bikeā€ cycle lanes across 2 metres of mountain road lead 1 right into a barbwire fence and the 2nd into a signpost in a ditch.

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