Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

They should put subtitles up with that for the non Limerick ciddy types.

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Did they take the bike away in the end? - Ballaā€™s version of the last dance ā€¦ life is hard when youā€™ve no Netflix - about 500 of them came out of the sewer for the entertainment.

Youā€™d have awful sympathy for anyone not born into a rural setting. Thatā€™s fierce sad looking stuff.

Fair play to the Gardai, itā€™s a great civic calling they have. No money would make me walk in around that sort of spot.


How much drugs have passed through that estate this week and youā€™ve the brave boys in taking a childs bike.

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Here hear.

We are all to blame for the existence of such estates ā€¦ washing your hands of such matters and claiming youre a country simpleton is exactly what TDs did for years.


Correct. If people werenā€™t given free houses for the past 3 generations weā€™d have no slum estates like Oā€™Malley Park.

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Quick fixes by politicians not interested in long term solutions.

He yearns for the days of the tenements

If a child was knocked down by some gom on the quad bike everyone can get a claim in too, fucking shades ruining the craic for everyone.

Absolutely no-one in that video supports drugs in the community either. Hon Balla.

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Now, nowā€¦youā€™re over extending there. Iā€™ve no issue with the bike being confiscated per seā€¦ but thereā€™s about 6/7 guards there for itā€¦ while around the corner hard drugs are being dealt. Can we live in a world where the hardened crims are dealt with as heavily as the little scuts?

Youā€™re right of course. If someone in Balla is doing their best to make a living and raise their kids the right way (Iā€™m reaching here), and maybe wants to let them out on the road to play; if they rings in and says thereā€™s a quad on the go here will ye come up? They should be told to fuck off, there are bigger issues like drugs we have to sort out first.

If the guards must go up, and they actually decide to do something (for once right?), well then two is probably the max that should be there with twenty or thirty lads gathered round howling abuse at them.

The cunts should fuck off out of it and leave Dean and Anton run the show, cos they will definitely have the best interests of the community at heart, and deprivation and ghettoization will be eradicated then.

Youā€™ll like this - I was being facetious there. A lot. You actually know more about this than to make that simplistic kind of argument.


I do ā€¦ I played football with Dean and Anton.

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I donā€™t recall claiming that. I won lifeā€™s lottery, I claim that.


The funny thing here is the speedboat. No question about why theres a speedboat in ballynanty but the quad bike is going lads

Pretty hard drive a speedboat up and down the road

Hard smuggle drugs in a quad bike :joy:

If I was those cops Iā€™m pulling out the baton & cracking skulls left right & centre. And I ainā€™t stopping until I see signs of hemorrhage.

ā€œSet it on fireā€
Voice of whats sounds like a child in response ā€œIā€™ll set you on fireā€
