Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Naw, despite what the smart boys above say, itā€™s a legit business, and needs a legit address. Rental contract and the like. I suppose the business wouldnā€™t be registered at that address but thatā€™s above my pay grade. I was only trying to help a lad out.

Can recieve mail there too.

By the sounds of it a retail unit would do the job for him.

It needs a legit front anyway. ā€œPabloā€™s Logistics Ltdā€

Send them into Cruiseā€™s street. Plenty of empty units there.

Itā€™s a franchise if ye must know.
No foot traffic required. The additional cost of a shop front not needed.

A retail space outside the city and outside the shopping centres, would be cheaper than a warehouse I would say, and a better size for him

Hit meā€¦

Iā€™m not an estate agent mate. Go onto Daft

Videos circulating of Rathkeale looked pretty lawless today (even more so than usual)

The hamlet of Rathkeale on Morning Ireland this morning. Letā€™s hope that Garda Armed unit can bring some peace to this Limerick town.

It was just a bad patch of black ice

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Itā€™s beginning to look a lot like Christmas



The Rathkeale Christmas cream cracker is of a particularly salty, cheesey & pungent variety.

Amazingly not a peep from Pavee Point on this yet.

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Pavee point have been flat to the mat commenting on this :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

I heard there was a rumour that dermot Kennedy was going to play an impromptu concert in rathkeale and the locals got hot headed tryi g to find parking. Fucking cagers at it again