Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

As a long term Limerick resident I was asked to look for a rental business premises in or around Limerick City. It’s a simple re-distribution business, simple enough requirements. Clean, dry, secure, easy load and off load boxes, max size for a hand cart, on and off vans. No forklifts or big truck type scenarios. Normal working hours.

I thought a normal semi-d house would do him but he’s shying away from that because of all the deliveries and possible complaints from neighbours. Cost is obviously a factor but most places are way to big and expensive. 100-200sqr metres would be loads to start with.

Help us out here lads if ye can at all, thanks!

LEDP in Roxboro. Might be overkill.

Plenty on daft though most don’t specify cost.

Sounds like renting a container or two would do him. There’s a place out the Pa Healy Road where you can rent a container and leave it with them and use it away from there. Obviously I have no idea if that would be suitable or not

He’s keeping away from all those lads in case somebody robs his idea.

What’s the idea and we can tell him whether it would be worth robbing or not

That’s a bit better, thanks.
But it’s out past Ballyneety…

Sounds like a drug dealing operation.

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Have they services? Internet and electricity?

They wouldn’t be normal working hours…

Course they would if they wanted to stay under the radar.
Having deliveries coming at all hours of the night would be a far bigger give away.

  • Business is redistribution of deliveries
  • He doesn’t want nosey neighbours
  • He doesn’t want to go to a reputable place like LEDP

It’s pretty obvious it’s a front for a drug dealing operation.


And he’s using habanero as his front man

It’s quite obvious actually when you analyse it in the cold light of day

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I wouldn’t condone that type of thing. Shame on ye.
I’d say I never posted on the drugs/Taytos thread.

I used the storage place on the dock road for a while. Can access whenever you want with a code, have all the equipment needed for unloading, repacking etc.

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Did you not watch Love/Hate ffs. He’s hardly going to tell you.

It’s 100% a drugs front.

You’ll be told when you need to be told, and you’ll keep your mouth shut if you fucking know what’s good for you.

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Poor @Habernocat will probably get 3 or 4 years as an accessory

“Well kid, car is after breaking down and I need to get the lease on that premises signed today or I’ll lose it. Any chance you could go down and sign the documentation for me? Sound man.”


He’s said too much already.

I wouldn’t say you’d have a desk and office area though? Electricity and internet?

Work from home for those elements