Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

If you look above the facade of most places the architecture is amazing

Cultural destruction in limerick is shocking


Its actually distressing what’s happened to the city

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Cannocks and cruises hotels looked fantastic in old photos. Arturs quay shopping centre destroyed what looked like a lovely patricks street. The old Turkish baths also on o connell avenue


People in Limerick city council who had influence over the years had no gra for the place.

A lot of it comes back to that.


Linerick used to be a lovely walk. Up along the river and back along, its still victorian but the facade and front is absolutely disgusting.

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The grandfather blames concil engineers from outside limerick. He’d burn them.


The walkways now are better than ever. Its the one thing I miss since moving out to the county.

Redpath to UL is unreal.


Sarsfield house is an awful eyesore. Whoever approclved that should be shot. The old riverpoint building looked like something out of intermission

I did a stint in there at one stage. Some spoofers.

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Ah outside the city youd all the walks up the peoples path, out to sandy, out castleconnell out the river out the ennis road.

It really is one of the most beautiful places in Europe. They just let cunts make shit of the city


You could improve Limerick a lot by getting all the businesses to take down the big dirty signs over the door in garish colours. Edinburgh is a great example. You can have a tesco say, but your sign is in the window not over door making the building ugly


Its improving slightly. We have no real representation now at the top table of government in any of the leading political parties. Thats a concern. This directly elected mayor hasnt happened either.

River walk wise there is no city better in my opinion. It really is outstanding. Canal bank even to UL is a brilliant amenity.


Couldnt walk that way when i was young you’d be called out for a go

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Its the finest now. They did a fine job on it.

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They did it well tbf. Its actually god awful in limerick. If they used the 3 or 4 stories above the shops for living space would create a vibrant city all day

We’d often go out to sandy but only when there was at least 5 of us.

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Its changed now really. Twenty years ago everywhere was rough enough.

The vibe in Limerick has changed bigtime.

Always more likely to get into a row at that age too.

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The row never happened but you’d be wary of the cousins in rhebogue

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