Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

@ciarancareyshurlingarmy with his potty-mouth at the end

The limericks got their name from an omerta and winning an all Ireland on line in 2018


I am quite sure that you can check your work computer screen to verify if that is me.

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A lapsed poster won that All Ireland for us to be sure once omerta hit here we were home free and a terrible beauty was born



i laughed hard at this… fair fucks

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@Copper_pipe did you watch nationwide last night? On the great fire in Drom back in the day. My great-grandfather and granduncle were there but got out.

Suspiciously enough


Had he no €5?

The Drom fire is the Woodstock or Nirvana at Sir Henry’s of South West Limerick

My wife’s grandfather also escaped (apparently)
Liam Irwin was looking fresh enough

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Yourself and Brady are cousins in law

Out the window was it?

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And then nailed it shut

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Cllr. O’Brien putting himself about in the comments.

Save Askeaton swimming pool.

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It’s a funny one.

The fear seems to be that once it closes they won’t do the works and keep it closed as it’s generally a loss making facility.

One side is saying they are shutting it down without even any tenders for work granted.

The pool side are saying they can’t finalise the tenders until the pool is drained and the system fully inspected.

It will be down to the council to get it re-opened, so you’ll need a few of the Councillors to put their neck on the line and personally gaurantee it’s reopening.

It would be a massive loss to the region. Askeaton town, for all the bad rep it has, has actually brilliant sporting facilities. GAA pitch with juvenile pitch and large astro, soccer field with astro. Resurfaced Tennis court, swimming pool, gym and a rowing club.


The missus was watching butty little Nevin Maguire’s show where he travels along the greenways of Ireland by bike mar dhea and ates grub along the way. She asked me “how come ye turned all ye’re railways into bike tracks”?


Ask @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy , this was another of his contradictory causes

08/02/19 - we need to turn all the unused railways in Greenways

08/02/23 - we don’t have enough railways


Cycle trains?