Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Its only the middle bit. Dont think hes ever sat 2 meters into ditch in the car for 10 mins while they drove past

And the railway he is talking about is a single track rail, with a number of very tight humpback bridges that would in their fuck fit a wind turbine blade. The track will run only to Limerick city, where of course there is massive demand for wind turbines along O’Connell Street. Although if they could put phone shops in the base of the wind turbines it might be a runner


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy what is the environmental effect of 200 plus cars going slowly through Adare for 15 mins, every minute, versus those 200 cars being 15 minutes further down the road? A lot of them probably at home by then and off the road. The link to the port is a bonus. But the real win is the Adare bypass.

BTW the rail line to the port is a no brainer, should never have closed. But it will not be suitable for passengers and maybe it should be.

I was hoping for a dogging story

better to build railway lines than more roads

the opening post was that building the road will be good for the environment as trucks can transfer wind turbines

thankfully, new roads wont be built from now on

Wind blades train transport - Wind farms constructionWind farms construction (windfarmbop.com)

they will still be stuck in Adare regardless

its like saying traffic in Dublin got better when the M50 was built

They dont go through adare currently. Sure look we know you havent a clue its okay.

Wind energy will be at sea in the future we’ll need boats not trains.

I support you mate.

No point in wasting good agricultural land.

Doesn’t say exactly what happened? There goes €31 million that could have been pumped into the health system if only staff weren’t incompetent

Is that related to the overseas doctor who was hired using bogus degrees and qualifications?

Ffs… was he a dr at all?

Nope, now this was a rumour inheard so cant verify it at all but apparently what happened the maternity hospital was severely understaffed during covid, a doctor applied for the job coming from outside the EU. Submitted documentation and creditials, previous work experience and passed the interviews. Few weeks in the midwives and other doctors were concerned at some of his techniques. He ended up as the only doctor in the hospital or available. Some sort of emergency complications occured during a birth, he was called in, hadn’t a clue. Walked out of the theatre and was never seen again.

That could be all bollocks. I vaguely remember being told this, and we know what rumours and limerick is like.

Mate, that sounds like complete and utter bollocks. Perfect for TFK. Good work.

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The particular case in the article was from over twenty years ago

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Fair enough, it reminded me of the apparent incident.

Awful for the girl and her family

If you cant believe the most obviously bollocksology of complete and utter hearsay and rumour on TFK, then I just dont know anymore.

Apologies. It was almost twenty years ago according to the fourth paragraph of the article posted above.