Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

The grid system is only in the city centre, which is where these routes finish up

The route in the video is parallel to the main traffic route

I’m agreeing with you here. I think the route along the SCR makes sense.

Why did I think I was talking with binkybarnes, did you get a new avatar?
Of course you already know the layout of the city

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The cycling lobby love to use militaristic lingo.
They fail to realise their militant attitude only creates a bigger divide.

Someone ask Milos mother why she didn’t send Milo to the primary school he passed about 30 seconds into the cycle. Be a handy stroll for Milo

They’ll hardly back down at this stage?

Her fault of course.
Will you be sending your own kids to Mhathair De? It’d be a handy stroll for them

I’m home schooling them, we’ll all setup on the couch

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Sure thing Enoch.

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Where will you nap?

Money will go to Cork, council will be raging they lost the 5mill


Hard not to agree with Eamon here

We cant force you to have a healthy city that is safe for your kids so if you reject the money it goes somewhere where its wanted

Good news for Fingal and Cork

They’re looking backwards rather than forwards, the crux of the issue is that many residents feel they are entitled to park more than one car right in front of their houses, a big opportunity lost, they won’t be thanked by future generations I feel

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Similar enough up here, private cars on public road is a right according to some

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It’s funny, there was a feature on local radio last week, lots of kids from the area were in Mary I on their bicycles and were interviewed, it was arranged obviously.
But one old geezer who interrupted the interviews and was subsequently interviewed himself kept on about living here for 75 years, like that somehow made his opinion more valid, what does 75 years ago have to do with anything? There were almost certainly kids there who will still live in the area in 75 years time,
I’ve lived here for 17 years now and most of the people pushing for the cycle way would be similar, even if they’re only here a month they have a right to an opinion.
Anyway, yes, people feel entitled to 2 or more guaranteed parking spaces outside u to heir house because they had it previously,

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Limerick folk very bad to support local

I just look on it as a huge opportunity lost, it’s right on my doorstep so I’m probably more annoyed than I should be. I think it would improve the area considerably in many ways, the ONLY drawback is that some people will need to park their second car up to 100 yards from their front door

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Proud to see the free thinking people of Limerick have told the Greens where to stick their bullshit agenda, close to two years now the city centre has been a construction site from a previous braindead idea, No más.


They love their cars in Limerick, they’ll be so proud to tell the grandkids that parking the second car outside the gaff was worth jettisoning a superb active travel proposal :grin:
All to stick it to the greens and the Wokies :joy:

