Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Pedestrianise it I told you.


I don’t think this will make it more dangerous? It’ll just be the same as now really. And vasty improved on the other 90% of the road. It’s a pile of bollix that they aren’t doing that stretch, but I wouldn’t be throwing the baby out with the bath water. They can add that stretch in time when some auld wan who was complaining about needing parking is knocked down by someone on a bike on her footpath.

They should go back now with a proposal to take their gardens instead and see how they feel about the extra parking space then


That’s it, they actually should have done the old anchoring trick. Give them an initial proposal that was going to take their gardens, but allow themselves to be beat down to their desired solution. Everyone wins.

A few things, it is quite clearly more dangerous to shoehorn two cycle lanes where there is currently no room for even one, and B one cycling against the traffic, sounds crap.
And the reason this is a loss and a missed opportunity is that the 90% was completely uncontroversial, the only bone of contention was that 10% from Summerville ave (maybe Fennessys)to Alphonsus street, and that’s a giant fuck up without removing some parking.
So we can sneer all we want and take at face value the headlines which claim this is a victory for Limerick but that victory was settled as soon as the NTA showed an interest, yesterday was an opportunity lost but that was clear f try on a few weeks ago. I wouldn’t blame the financers for pulling out now and spending it elsewhere, it’ll blow up in their faces if the cycle path isn’t properly used in that stretch

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That is true.

And you well know that Laois have not won a Liam McCarthy

Apologies, Laois won it when it was much more prestigious and not associated with that Corkman

Poor auld Kieran O’Donnell

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I[quote=“myboyblue, post:5125, topic:30962, full:true”]

Unlike Ireland and a Quarter Final, Laois have actually won a Liam McCarthy.

In how many attempts?


It’s not so bad,
Turns out that they’re going to put magic traffic lights by Fennesys and at the top of Summerville ave that only turn green for local residents :joy::joy:
No bike lane between Summerville and Laurel Hill avenue, so hop off and walk for a while
24 car parking spaces retained while many others are lost along the route, it almost beggars belief

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He’s a very hard working man.

In the last week alone he has had photo ops standing beside an M20 sign pretending to have gotten funding for a motorway, standing outside a SuperValu pretending to have reopened a post office, standing in a building site pretending to have something to do with the building of a school, and standing in another building site across the road from it pretending to have something to do with the building of a hospital.


I was wondering what exactly filtered permeability meant.

Standing up beside things is a very important part of local politicking

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The man would struggle to chew gum and fart at the same time.


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Be cheaper to give them parking spaces underground