Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

is Ekin a working girl on tour?

Is garden world still open in Limerick ?

No, gone since Covid.

I’d say he was well at retirement age.
I forget the man’s name. He worked in Boyds for years before that.
A good gardening man. Always had a good supply of John Innes No.2. Can’t get it now.

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Using a toffee factory to get them out of a sticky situation doesn’t seem the smartest.

Fucking “creative workspaces” just build fucking houses. And start them this year


Woah, woah, woah.

They can’t do nothing all at once


The Toffee Quarter :heart::heart::heart:

The condensed quarter :ok_hand:

Gas, was in a shop the other day and they’d cleeves toffee on offer. Your one behind counter said a lot had remarked about not seeing it in years

The cleeves chimney was all you saw looking out my Nana’s living room or kitchen window.

Cleaver Corner

The other lad is crying in the papers now too.

Eco terrorists

All this thieving goes sone way to expjaining why this Gleeson cunts are so fucking miserable all the time, maybe why they treat their staff like absolute shut as well

Fuck them

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It seems crime is now ok if it’s done to the right person.


Id love to hear the real story behind the anger :laughing:

There’s literally no cause that I can’t drum up a support party for :joy:

A couple of bullshitter robbing shopkeepers :neutral_face:

Always has and always will. Sure look at robin hood.

Lads will try justify anything on TFK


How can I improve security and reduce theft at my convenience shop in limerick?


Here are some tips to improve security and reduce theft at your convenience shop in Limerick:

  1. Install security cameras: Having security cameras can deter potential thieves and also provide evidence if a theft occurs.

  2. Use cash registers with security features: Cash registers with security features such as automatic locking can prevent unauthorized access to the cash drawer.

  3. Train employees: Train your employees on how to handle cash, identify suspicious behavior, and how to report theft.

  4. Keep an eye on inventory: Keep track of your inventory and compare it to sales to identify any discrepancies.

  5. Use anti-theft devices: Use anti-theft devices such as security tags and electronic article surveillance systems to protect high-value items.

  6. Keep the front of the store well-lit: A well-lit store can deter potential thieves and make it easier to identify suspicious behavior.

  7. Have a security plan: Have a plan in place for what to do in the event of a theft, including how to report it to the police and how to handle any potential confrontations.