Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

They turned Limk into some kip.

Back in the mid 90s friar tucks and the lobster pot was where all the late night action took place.

The lobster pot had a noble sauce for chips


Best garlic cheese chip in town circa 1992-1999.

I remember I threw a chip off the head of one of the staff in the lobster pot while their back was turned. Managed to keep a straight face when they turned around.

The Lobster Pot was my late night stop on the way home did a great curry chip and fresh cod. Many a night sitting munching on the steps of the Franciscans.


The owners were sound.

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Unreal it was. It lasted up until around 2005 I’d say maybe even more

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Yeah not much after that… I got a hand job in the jacks in there one night. Great spot.

The chippers queue was a grand spot to get the ride

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You’re lucky you didnt get the ears boxed off you. What kind of a gowl throws a chip at someone?

Better than a club… I always had more luck outside chippers than in clubs and pubs.

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Everyone in from the country for the day used to go in there for a piss in the 1980’s. @ciarancareyshurlingarmy did you do block releases with Hego and Pierse Kent?


Get chatting. Get them their chips. Signed sealed, and thinking of an exit strategy already

Prawn cheese chips , mother of fucking gawd :heart_eyes:

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Lovely taco chip inside in Lobster Pot too. You’d meet some haunty wan coming out if Termights in there back in the day and you might get the battered sausage as well.

That’s the one. I think they’re the nicest chips I’ve ever had.

A friend of mine worked there for one night. Didn’t get out of the place til 6am and never went back :joy:

There was a great variety of chippers in Limerick back in those days with the lobster pot, kranks and the chicken hut.

The chippers half way up william street as well. It’s gone a while but they had good chips for a few years