Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

At least thereā€™s one old nostalgic building left in Limerick we havenā€™t renovated into a dingy takeaway.

Great foresight to call it Colbert Station in 1907


Nothing less than the great man deserves

Wiki says it was called Limerick Station until 1966 when it was renamed Colbert Station

Have we been pronouncing it wrong all along?

Some one in the station naming deptartment put the RA in RAil

As the man says, there is an IRA in there if you look hard enough.

Any sign of Annie Fitz?

Iā€™m lost

Edit. I get it now. None

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Easons gone now from the city centre. Staying open in The Crescent alright.

Blast! I always stopped into Easons.

Easons has been there forever. That street will be shut down with Debenhams across the road. Penneys to be a ghetto building

Renovations ???

Inglot is closing in the crescent. Thereā€™ll be a few empty units in there now.

Heard second hand from an employee that it has no plans to reopen. No decision yet on actually selling the building. If things picked up with the University building and the Opera Centre Iā€™s say things could change. But not in the short term.

I was in the city centre during the week and it was bleak

Lots of talk about Easons going on since things have opened up again. I heard there was a big leak in the basement during the shutdownā€¦ but thereā€™s been no sign of any activity when iv been passing recently.

Didnā€™t hear about the leak, so perhaps there is hope. They could easily relocate temporarily if they really wanted to. Plenty of vacant buildings around.

Compared to Oā€™Mahonys their city centre unit was terrible. That said it will obviously be a huge loss, cruises st will be practically deserted now.

Whats left in Cruises Street now?

Is Charlieā€™s still there?