Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

A Costa, That sports shop and fuck all else really.
Even Tom the busker has taken to doing a few shifts on Thomas street.
They need to rethink cruises street and the city centre in general completely. Retail is gone and it isn’t coming back

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Independent boutiques, artisan shops, market stalls, coffee shops, pubs and restaurants


And high quality apartments

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You’re a ray of sunshine lad :rollseyes:

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To be honest if you paid me a million euro I would find it hard to give a positive image . It is really sad to see

The mountain range shop on cruises street or whatever its called was having a 70% off everything clearance sale today. Dunno if closomg or clearing for new stock

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I passed Costa on Cruise St yesterday evening at 4 o clock & it was closed . Seems strange to be closed up that early. Don’t know if it has actually reopened yet .

It hasn’t reopened yet

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Good shout, the fresh food markets go down a storm. If they could set up something like the English market in Cork to occupy a section of cruises street that would be very welcome. And as @TreatyStones says some nice apartments on that street would sell easily too.

Many of the traders on Cruises Street made various suggestions to Limerick Council over the years but were told they’d have to fork over the cash for the improvements. Couldn’t get a buy in as many of them are UK chains (Boots, David Gold’s dildo emporium, etc). Even the signage there hasn’t been updated in years. There was a woman with a small gift/jewelry place where I think Irish Nationwide used to be. She had great drive and was great at getting the other shops to hand over a few quid to get the place dickied up for Christmas because the council would spend fuckall. Unfortunately she passed away since

From reading posts on here, Limerick sounds very grim indeed.

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City centre dying for years and years. Bad governance. If BTs go, it’ll be a few streets of phone repair shops, cafes, and Penneys.

Town centres are dying all over Ireland as far as I can see.

They are. People want the convenience of identical retail parks and shopping centres

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Is parking free on the weekends in Limerick now? Would be great if it was.

Saturday and Sundays on street for July and August.

Thank you. I like the market on Saturdays but I’m told its bleak at the moment so I haven’t been in there. Mrs Batt wants to get a few bits next week so I’ll venture in and parking for free is a definite plus and a sensible decision.

I recommend heading down early to the market, you’ve to que for market. There was a decent sized one around 11 yesterday. I dodnt head in as was just for a look. Got a parking spot on Cecil Street for 2 hours was grand. Saw a parking warden walking around, didn’t get ticketed I think he was only doing illegal parking.

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No doubt there will still be double parking though

Haunted :+1: