Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Apparently itā€™s very good. I might go on Friday.

They would want to get decent staff, everytime Iā€™m in there they are stonr wall useless

Thatā€™s Ballybrowners for ya


Excellent Iā€™ll have to give it a whirl. Step up on that all you can eat Chinese that used to be in the unit anyway. Although I never actually ate in there

That Chinese was probably the worst launch of a business Iā€™ve seen in Limerick. They obviously spent a few quid on it, but gave it a stupid name, a gammy sign and just looked generally poor with very little advertising.

They seem to have spent a nice few bob on the new place, it was due to open the week the lockdown was announced. No business has had much luck there.

All of the railway stations were renamed after leaders of the Rising in 1966. Heuston was Kingsbridge up to that point, Pearse was Westland Row, Waterford Plunkett was Waterford North etc


The one in Cork is daycent and not too bad on the pocket - havent been in a year tho.

Was there a Waterford south? Was there a point they decided the current train station was close enough and people could fuck off and walk the rest of the way?

Yes there was a train station in Railway Square where there was a train to Tramore that ran until the 1950s. My pal Johnny Doolans father was a driver on it and managed to crash the train into the Station in Tramore. The service finished shortly after.

The location of Waterford north is largely driven by geography. When the railway came to Waterford, there was one bridge across the river, a wooden toll bridge called Timbertoes. So that wouldnā€™t have carried a locomotive. I presume finance for a new rail bridge was also an issue, and the fact that North Station is close enough to the heart of the old city and they didnā€™t forecast the needs of Muldoons going to WIT and Walsh Park.


I figured it was to do with the river. Not much point crossing it for the sake of it I guess. Just a strange one as every other city has the train station pretty much in the centre

Itā€™s closer to the city centre than the station in Cork and Heuston and as close as Connolly.

Everything that has gone in there since the Bedford Row pub has failed. Nevadaā€™s smiths and all its reincarnations, the Chinese, Thai buffet.

Interesting to see if market there for this new restaurant to last. the Cornmaeket up on Thomas at gas always fared well. We see if thereā€™s room for another

Where is it pitching itself at? Surely a level below the Cornstore? I would have guessed itā€™s somewhere around the Coqbull level.

We got really good burgers and chips in Locke burger tonight, the plant based burger my daughter had was outstanding in fairness


Spitjack in cork is very good for lunch


  • Munster Rubbyā„¢ branching away from rubby

  • Moyross Train Station

  • 5,000 seater arena for Hermitage Green gigs.

  • The ā€œWorld Class Waterfrontā€ project gets its first mention in a while again.


Who is driving this now? Martinstown and the well man?

That restaurant place in croom is now closed down for good apparently. I think Denis Brosnan was involved.

Interesting. The concert hall being the only place for gigs is a disaster but is there demand for a year round venue? Maybe for conferences

Imaine staying in a hotel in balla

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