Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

A lot ex footballers work in the media.

And what relevance does that have to working for Newstalk?

You just never know which rabbit hole a TFK thread is going to go down.


We need a poll who’s bigger andy Lee or Shane long.

Steve Finnan would be better known than Shane Long and Andy Lee would be better known than Steve Finnan

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I doubt anybody would know Steve finnan if he walked passed them.

I was just looking there Kyle Hayes has a similar amount of Instagram followers to Andy lee.

Only women and children use instagram ffs.


Steve Finnan would be better known than Andy Lee

Everyone is on Instagram. It’s the only social media platform worth it’s salt now.

Ah stop - Pictures are for women and children looking for attention. … of course, careerists will use it to cash in also

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I don’t know anybody that isn’t on Instagram. It’s a brilliant app. The messenger is second to none.

Shur your only about 23 ffs — you’ll grown out of it by the time you get to 25.

I don’t know anybody that is on Instagram and if I did theyd be out


I’d severely doubt that. Instagram is unreal. It’s basically tinder, Snapchat and Facebook rolled into one. Easy to use and no annoying adds.


If you rolled all them into one I still wouldn’t use them and I doubt any of the people I actually know would. Maybe a few lingering around on facebook from back when they didnt know any better

It’s streets ahead of Facebook but I guess you and mouse are in your early fifties maybe? And settled. I guess it’s different for my age group.

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You cheeky cunt

Early forties*