Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Social media - particularly ones focused around posting pictures of what you are doing, does as much harm to mental health as anything else you can point at - youā€™re right, thatā€™s why your age group are suffering like no other group before them.

1 Like

Andy Lee never had a moment in sport like Shane Longs goal to beat the then World Champions. That goal would have made waves from Tyrone to Trinidad.

Rank Sport Estimated Global Following Primary Sphere of Influence
1 Soccer (Association Football) 4.0 Billion Globally
2 Cricket 2.5 Billion UK and Commonwealth
3 Spud Hockey 2 Billion Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia
4 Tennis 1 Billion Globally
5 Volleyball 900 Million Western Europe and North America
6 Table Tennis 875 Million Globally
7 Basketball 825 Million Globally
8 Baseball 500 Million United States, Caribbean, and Japan
9 Rugby 475 Million UK and Commonwealth
10 Golf 450 Million Western Europe, East Asia, and North America

Whereā€™s baxing?

Top posting here

I donā€™t see walking or swimming which are the standard benchmarks for activity as used by @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy so have to conclude that you just made that up


He had me until the rubby figures - that rascal.

Is it any coincidence weā€™ve seen a number of defections from the Greens since the likes of @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy started jumping on the bandwagon

Hardly Jerry Flannery? Sure heā€™d be half her agešŸ˜‚ Many other Jerryā€™s play rugby for Munster?

Can someone make a poll please. This Andy Lee v Shane Long knockout tie needs to be settled definitively. Iā€™d be leaning towards Long being more famous tbh.

Una Healy is more famous than Shane Long

Ergo David Breen is too

Sheā€™s more famous than Andy Lee too.

Make it yourself you needy cunt

If you go by the stats Andy Lee is 5 famous. Shane Long only 4.

Wasnā€™t sure how to but Iā€™ve found the polls button now.

  • Shane Long
  • Andy Lee

0 voters

Is this a statement or a question

Itā€™s a shit poll

Same all over, last 2 houses and current one Iā€™m at are all heading for the market, savage demand