Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Limerick to be locked down from 12am tonight

I’ve a date this Saturday night in Dublin. Please don’t do this to me please.

Hit the motorway now kid and don’t stop till your at the red cow


Only 8 cases in limerick thank god :ok_hand:

I’m afraid its looking like Rosie Palm & her five sisters for you at the weekend.

I wouldn’t be saying thats good at all!

Why? They can’t lock us down over 8 surely?

The cumulative number over the last 14 days would be reason and thats not great i’d say!

Don’t trust the junta. This countries governments have shat on limerick at every opportunity. Media too

Thankfully the senior hurling rounds were completed last weekend.


Lads ye’d never do in war.

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You’ll have to speak up I’m wearing a towel

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Have it on good authority Meehawl will announce Limerick to lock down tomorrow afternoon. Clare should be but won’t they put savage pressure on to see our the last few weeks of the tourist season

Limerick absolutely riddled with it

Riddled with a handful of cases.

That are announced so far. Couple of significant clusters tbc

Just halting sites tbf

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load of travellers in South limerick by all accounts.

Dooley will be caught rotten if it does happen

Limerick is in a bad way — wash your hands you cunts.

@EstebanSexface will you leave the man alone