Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Our Father, who art in Effin…

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Nickie be thy name…,

Be not at speed,
The Vans before you always,
Outside the Church, and they will give you points

You shall cross Kilmallock Parish,
Just don’t speed down by the church,

and deliver us from Bruree. Amen.


Glory be to the Houla

Northside Independent member Frankie Daly

“This is a critical piece of infrastructure. A lot of this might be more apparent for a lot of the county members. If Eamon Ryan is allowed to get his way, what’s to stop him putting nappies on cows? This is what we are dealing with here,” he said.

Frankie has @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy’s card marked


I believe that Frankie called Ryan a space cadet on the Limerick post.

There is massive opposition to the greens plans now in Limerick with nearly all communities supporting moyross but I also see green politicians are now claiming that they are subject to abuse as there is a universal opinion that they should shut up and build the road. This is what the community wants and not to be told what they want

The Greens don’t appear to have a plan

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Willie O’Dea in rare old form over this :grin:

Willie has been waiting with the knives for chump. There would be a few mid West tds from ffg will go against the partys over this. Plus there are several uneasy backbenchers in both partys about being in goverment together. The PFG could fail over this. Imagine the grand coalition falling due to moyross. Great community spirit there

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Google willie o dea and the green party. He has a long standing hatred of the greens.

Willie hates anyone that might take a No 1 from him, his own party included

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He wasnt a big fan of Peter power back in the day

West Limerick still bitter over LNG so Collins and Donovan would be on Willie’s side

Its a vital bit of infrastructure if we are to continue with building windows power. When the wind drops gas turbines are the best option to pick up gap in the grid. Again the greens have no idea on the practicality of their ideology

Apart from growing lettuce in a window box

We could grow lettuce in the window boxes of the parklets

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Was just in town collecting a takeaway and there’s major Garda activity at the halting site on Childers Road. 7 or 8 squad cars and cordon tape in place.

Good, sounds like they are reporting the bullying that’s gone on in schools for generations

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