Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Coloured photo of the Ennis road in 1913.


Wouldn’t you think that the poor girl on left with one leg would be up
on the ass and cart . :grinning:

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Where’d you get that?

It hasn’t changed much.

Missing thousands of cider fuelled expectant youths on way to GG on match day .

It’s hardly changed a bit

Not sure if it’s from this but this is a good page anyway

Yea, I flicked through that earlier but couldn’t see it.
I came across this one. Only older Limerick folk will recognise this guy. Might be before your time.


Yeah remember him

Fat Francis. Used to be around the Georgian buildings on O’Connell Street/cecil street fair bit, taking a breather on the steps


Fat Francis … jaysus, that takes me back.

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What was the craic with him?

He was always labouring about the city centre … Must have been over 25 stone. This was in the days when most of the country weren’t overweight… You’d regularly see him on steps taking a breather along middle/upper O’Connell st… Just a known character around the mid/late 90s into 00s.

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He looks very healthy in that photo, jaysus the poor fella was in an awful way.

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Is he still alive?

Limerick is definitely a city full of characters

Anyone ever see the fella with the 3/4 length pants sitting outside the railway hotel every day no matter what the weather all year round.


I remember him

That was @Thomas_Brady

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No, he’s long dead.

I remember his mostly from the queue to the Savoy Cinema. Every night he’d be there tapping the queue for a few bob before the 8pm show. Everybody knew him and everybody was nice to him. A little bit of chat, hand over the few bob and he’d move along the line. Word was he was hit by a bus which caused gland problems and weight gain.