Even more mayhem regarding Limerick


Easy to spot the 2 scobes here :grinning: @TreatyStones and @Thomas_Brady.

Sarsfield is the word
Sarsfield is the man

Whereā€™s Galloping Hogan at?

He doesnā€™t post here any more

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Iā€™m sure @backinatracksuit @Thomas_Brady and @EstebanSexface would be interested in this story.

Fairly sure the priest in moyross was into the horses. He was on the radio discussing moyross and mentioned the love for horses many of kids have in the area a few years back. Pat keogh who is ceo of the curragh heard the interview and helped fund a programme for kids from moyross to ride race horses and some other things like that. Iā€™m not positive on the ins and outs of it but a few of them go to jim bolgers anyway for work experience.

Wesley ended up getting onto race which isnā€™t easy at all and I think the first fella as far as I know to actually make It onto the race track as a jockey from the moyross programme.

Itā€™s great stuff.


This might be the worst thing Iā€™ve ever seen

@balbec have a fucking word.

Jesus Christ Almighty

3 angles of him miss-hitting the ball

A word with who?

Bloody hell, I nearly missed that link.

Big move made by Aercap over the past few days

What was that?

Theyā€™re buying out GE. Number 1 buying number 2.

Ballsy move but when thereā€™s blood on the streets

GE have been selling off bits for a while now. Doubt many saw Aercap stepping in but I guess if they didnā€™t, they figured someone else would and then thereā€™d be another shark.

If you believe thereā€™ll be a strong bounce back itā€™s a shrewd move. Airlines wonā€™t buy any planes in the near term while they see whatā€™s happening and a number of them will go to the wall so thereā€™ll be cheap airplanes and a good market to lease them. Fair auld punt all the same

Man killed by a bull this morning between Adare and Croagh think he was a Polish national working on a farm. Awful way to go they are absolutely lethal.

Ah jaysus. Thatā€™s terrible.Bulls can be lethal.

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