Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

The Mrs knew him. Her brother and the deceased were friends since childhood. She was shook when she heard the news

Didnā€™t know him myself but few I know that did know him are the same. Seen as a very happy, strong guy; finding it difficult to piece together how it would come to it for him

Where was he from?

The Mrs got it arseways. She thought it was a lad with same first and surname who lived round the corner from them. But itā€™s another lad her brother is friends with (and she doesnā€™t know). Not sure where is from. She went to bed last night upset by the news and if sheā€™d just sent a fucking text, she would have known

Bengal Terrace, Old Cork Rd; on the notice

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Fuck, this is a very sad story. Poor guy.

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Throw in an ole greenaway next to it and you can have a pint in durty Nellieā€™s and end up in the Corner House

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The walking quarter.


Would they build a footbridge over the maigue?
They should bring it on as far as Beagh castle, thereā€™s a fella developing a row of holiday cottages there.

New cottages?

You know that line of ruins that is down there heā€™s doing them up afaik

Oh right.I was thinking they couldnā€™t be new houses

Is Pallaskenry West Limerick ???

Anything passed The Beer Garden is West Limerick I was told


Those buildings on the left are being restored and converted.



As stables?

Did Pallas hurl in the city or the west division?

That will cost a few quid.