Faldo's DIY General thread

I’ve put in a water softener in the last year or so. The tabs are gone a shocking price. Hydrosoft :face_with_peeking_eye: Can I ask what do ye use ?

How much does it cost to run it a year? Was it the taste of the water or the damage to the appliances?

Have you an iron filter before the softener? And a cotton and UV inline?

A bit of both but mainly damage to the appliances. The bags went from €7 to almost €16.

There’s a UV I think yea. After that I haven’t a scooby

Ah heeyor. Not even I would have had to go on a random internet forum to figure that out.

Can you get a grant for that?

I rang a friend in the Water Softener installation business the other day and queried the price of salt with him. They are selling it for 12 euro and at that they are breaking even. The local Co-Op charged me 17 for same for a bag of Broxo (which I know isn’t granular but is still doing the trick). Brexit being blamed and salt being hoarded in GB due to the threat of a bitter winter were the reasons given for the increase in price

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Not for a new house…

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I have a free standing stove at the moment and originally I was thinking about replacing it with a back boiler stove to heat the radiators then someone mentioned about hot air distribution system, has anyone else got one and would you recommend one?

Talk to @flattythehurdler. He is the forum’s hot air aficionado.


In theory its a great idea but practically, how are you going to distribute the air? The system needs ducting at either ground or ceiling level. Also it’s only really suited the well insulated dwellings with a good air tightness.

Ceiling level ducting.

The call this a stoop in America.

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Does stoop mean rough in the US


It means “wheelchair accessible”

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@massey were you laying a stone wall in Pallas today? I passed a fella hard at it.

What’s rough about that?
Perfect job….

It will be soon at the rate I’m going.
Nearly killed me…

I’m joking lad, could have done with another rub of the trowel though and a rub with an edging trowel.Itll do the job though.