Faldo's DIY General thread

Glad i could be of service. I’m thinking of just torching the place and starting again

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If you had a good treatment for the red algae…

Have you tried spraying on some vinegar and a scrub with a yard brush afterwards? Light powerhouse then

@Corksfinedtboy will sort you out with great advice.

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Luckily I don’t have it but see many places that do.

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Tbh I’d use bleach first after power hosing it
And paint wth this binding agent

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Dirty only saw this now
I’d have answered earlier

Stuff is deadly though

His da in law was shot dead in Cork by the real Ra

Scummy drug dealer

Apparently the farmer got caught dumbing his body in a slurry pit
Pity he didn’t have a shotgun- he’d have had a stronger case methinks

The paint i used is oil based…would i be ok painting over it with a water based paint?

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No- you’d need to rub it down well with sandpaper first
Take the gloss off it
Paint away then

Probably not the right thread for it, but I have a query lads. I somehow managed to rip the two plastic pipes belonging to the bathroom towel radiator. You know the bog standard white grid thing with the bars going across. A cunt of a thing if you ask me, but I didn’t choose to have it. Anyway, what will it set me back in fixing it and is it a big job?

Don’t ask how I fucking ripped the thing I’ve been asking myself the same question. I was fooling around with the top fittings and the next second the thing comes off the wall and snaps the plastic pipes and I got spattered with water. I’m some eejit.

Pictures please

That’s it hanging on the wall by the top fittings. And that’s either side where his royal thickness ripped the plastic pipes.

Do you know anywhere you could get a loand of a mini digger?


That wall will need to go at a minimum.


Before @Faldo was around to learn fellas, this is pretty typical of the type of DIY disasters posters got themselves into

You’ll need an LG TV and a box of matches