Faldo's DIY General thread

I reckon I could have the wall demolished with my bare hands I’m in one of those moods

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Can you screw off the big plastic fitting on the wall side? Might just need a length of qualpex (sic) pipe and a bit of plumming tape.

Yeah they’re only flimsy plastic covers protecting the pipes going into the wall. I’d say I’ll leave it to the plumber, he will get a great laugh out of it if nothing else. Shouldn’t be too steep in price?

€500 will cover it


You’ll have a plumber out to you this side of Christmas I’d hope. If there a fitting under that plastic yoke it should be a quick job. Getting them is the problem.

Not too bad. Enough to teach me a lesson.

True but I reckon if I leave him a voice note on whatsapp he’ll be out Monday morning to laugh at me in person.

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You might get away with them joining it hopefully. Otherwise you may buy a new house

I won’t be allowed back in this one for a while anyway so might be for the best

A bidet FFS.


A game changer

I think you’ve twigged what happened here…


Well it certainly suggests a couple of unpleasant scenarios.


Any of ye handy with car radios?

Reception is shocking. Static terrible on Radio 1 nd 2fm. All i get is noise on other frequencies. Changed the aerial today on the roof and thought i was sorted but once I started the engine and drove it was back to square 1.

Edit: there was a gps system in the vehicle once upon a time that’s since been deactivated, dunno if it’s relatedu

Don’t know much myself, but the wife was having terrible reception on her car radio(Skoda Fabia) and her mechanic said the windscreen has an antenna too for the radio. She had to replace the windscreen because of a crack and it solved the radio issue.

Is the problem just RTÉ 1&2?

Wrong thread- try the Liverpool supporters thread maybe?


No, it’s all stations really

probably something stupid like that yea

You’ll need to check the earths to all the electrical items. The main earth return wire from the battery bolts onto the frame of the car. Then all the electrical items earth onto the frame. So you’d have to check the earth back from all the other electrical items, starting with the biggest, like the alternator, starter, lights, everything really. And the radio obviously.

Could turn into a quagmire. Is there anything else electrical on the car half dodgy or intermittent? Is there anything else on the car that you can isolate (pulling fuses) to isolate the problem.

Obviously this sounds like a job for a good auto electrician.

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