Faldo's DIY General thread

I thought thats where I was heading towards alright.
When I put my hand to the radio the reception improves.

Download TuneIn radio on phone and play via Bluetooth over car radio. Stopgap measure for you

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It’s like an old Ferguson television



Electronic products emit radio-frequency interference. It’s typically low, but it still can be strong enough to interfere with nearby receivers, such as a radio. It could possibly be the GPS. In my car, when I’m charging my phone the FM radio reception goes to pot.


We had a Pye you had to slap

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Gps has been deactivated but I reckon there’s something still interfering. My phone charging does the same.

I’m still laughing at the reply you got above from @habanerocat. He wants you to dismantle your car entirely. You’d be as well off to convert the car from a manual to an automatic so you can drive around with one hand near the radio at all times.


He’s on the right track though I think, got me chatting a fella here locally that can trace it.

The electrical interference is doing you a favour, mate. Irish radio is shit.

It’s better than me singing to meself

You singing to yourself is still an order of magnitude better than listening to Joe Duffy or Dua Lipa.

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Oh you of little faith.

Been on a 3 week DIY binge that has seen 2 bathrooms and the driveway being done. No foreign holidays this summer but, with the 3 projects coming close to fruition, there’s a serious sense of satisfaction and bit of pride of place from it all.

Anyway, one final job before I call it quits for the Summer, has anyone ever spraypainted their.log burning stove/fireplace yoke? Do’s and Dont’s?


“Don’t” spray the glass.


Thanks chief, noted!

There’s such a thing as stove paint.
Have a good read of the tin first I suppose.

Yeah, was wondering if that paint had been successful for anyone else. Last thing I want is to be looking at a failed project bang centre of the sitting room all winter. Bit like the last wife in that regard!


That’s true alright :joy:

The last one I painted was with a Smokey black watery paint. But a quick google tells me they’re enamel based now which says shiny to me.

So I don’t know.

What did you paint her with? :face_with_peeking_eye: