Faldo's DIY General thread

Fair enough if there’s not but on any I’ve done (including bulbs that can be dimmed) that was the case and Ive stuck in 100s of them in new builds in the past. I have great faith in you Rocko that you will solve this before darkness arrives.

Christ lads ye’ll have him at the fuse board next…
like I said I’m nearly certain its a complete unit … you need the full light… if there’s slack in the cable coming from it there’s prob a connector there around 6 inches above the light fitting


This is a version of it… a fixed led spotlight

Correct,looks like you need the full unit @Rocko

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As a matter of interest, what are those metal discs?

Looks like there might be four of them.

They’re magnets I think

Can you check?

Peel off the sticker and see if there’s another part number underneath.

There’s nothing under the sticker it seems.

But the bottom of the electrical piece hanging down has a few digits on it posted above.

The glass bit then comes apart from the rest of the light but it’s not a bulb.

That glass piece won’t fit through the hole. So I can remove it from the white plastic but only by pulling up and pressing in tabs. It won’t go through in the other direction (I.e. down into the room if I was trying to remove it when it was still in place).

There are three magnets in the white piece and one of those lines up with the larger silver piece in the black electrical fitting thing above. And that sort of holds it in place. But it was much more secure before I prised it apart with a screwdriver.

I think @Alan-partridge has it right and it’s not supposed to be taken apart and you can’t actually replace the bulb.

The “light” itself still functions without the glass piece. So the gold things above on the bottom of the black electrical piece are the light. Can’t really get a photo of it but there isn’t a bulb really at all

Sure all you need to do now is pull down the black wire slowly to see what it’s connected into and measure the diameter of the fitting.

i hope Faldo is having a good laugh to himself at the pace of resolution here.


I’m laughing but not laughing at the same time because above in the bathroom I took down one of the spots 12 months ago and managed to change the bulb but have failed since to get the spot back in place…hanging loose since


I can’t believe what I have read in the 20 posts above.



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How many accountants does it take to change a light bulb ?


About a dozen to realise it’s not a light bulb

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I didn’t see any of ye electrical brainers offering a solution. Easy now talk after we sorted it.

So tell me lads, what are the magnets for?

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The magnets hold the white piece in place. And another metal cover that goes onto the white piece. Otherwise they would fall to the floor.

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It’s the only logical answer.

But you also had to force those clips to get it open.
Magnets are an elaborate and expensive solution.
You’d Imagen they would only be put on something that needs to be opened easily and very frequently.

If you get me the dimensions and the connector (if any) on the end of that black wire, I’ll find you some compatible replacements.

Enabling you can have softer tones in your bedroom…

Yeah that’s true. But there is a silver (decorative) ring then that seems to be entirely reliant on the magnets to stay in place. It doesn’t clip or hook anywhere. It’s just there by the magnets.

So not entirely sure why the white and black pieces need the magnets because as you said the plastic tabs were keeping them together but they definitely support the silver ring.

Not a bad idea at all for painting.
@Corksfinedtboy did you know they just ‘clip’ off on some lights.

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