Faldo's DIY General thread

I also need a strimmers - I was using my auld fella’s one but I need one for more regular use that I can pick up and down as needed. I think petrol strimmers is the only good option here?

Anyone know about skim after a house has been rendered? Can you lash multiple coats of paint on or are you to leave it for an extended period for the skim to settle?


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It has to be properly dried out for a start anyways.Leave the windows open for a week.The water has to evaporate. @Corksfinedtboy will knowoee about the prep for painting

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You can still buy corded.
I wouldn’t bother with battery powered units for something you are only going to use once or twice a year and it’s uneconomical to buy a second battery. Sounds like you need a bit of staying power. The Bosch will last you a lifetime.

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Its the outside of the house so no fear with having to.leave windows open. Got rid of pebbledash and have rendered the external facings. Was told to leave it for 6 months before applying another coat of paint as the skim needs to set.

Wondering is this spoof or legit?

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That’s what we were told as well. 6 months to a year.

Informative. Gracias.

I have an aldi petrol one with a few attaments that came with it. Have it about 6 years and no trouble with it, never even serviced it.

If you want to spend money go for a Honda, parents have one, it’s a lot quieter and lighter and 4 stroke so no mixing petrol.

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Ah the outside is a different story. Will take a good while for that to cure properly, months is right. Wouldn’t look at painting until next summer. Tell her pipe down if she’s at you.


I had the greenhouse plastered (don’t laugh) a few years ago and I asked the plasterer when could I paint it. He said let it dry for a couple of weeks.

I didn’t really think that was long enough. So I did my own research. Generally plaste is observing and releasing moisture all the time. Dependent on the lime quantity. That’s the important thing. So it will continue that through the paint regardless of time.

I painted away after two weeks and it’s fine since.

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You fucking ape, you.

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You don’t “skim” the outside of a house,you plaster or render it.Skim is when you apply the hardwall inside over the sand/cement or onto plasterboard.So yeah if it’s outside I’d leave it for 6 months or even till next spring.


Good advice @LionelRitchie. Please relay in in the following manner…
‘Listen @FatChops (pause for effect)…said to leave it off for a while…’

Shed plaster me off the wall


You’d get 6 months of peace while you dried at least

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Should have whitewashed it

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Here you go Chops. My first hit. And an Irish site as well.

Exterior House Painting - JMR Centre Mallow, Co. Cork, Ireland.

As a lad told me once. I don’t know everything but there’s nothing I can’t find out.

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As Massey said,has to be completely dried out
Then size it,
( Watered down Matt not vinyl emulsion/ 2 coats should suffice)



Only saw this Massey,up a :ladder: since early,heavy fuckin dash​:roll_eyes:

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