Faldo's DIY General thread

Neanderthal. If I have my nightswimming I see no reason she shouldn’t deliberately break the heating in order to get a man in to fix it.

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Is there a little reset button at the bottom

Post your IP Address there and one of us will remote log in and sort it.

New house, Is it air to water or a gas boiler?

Air to water.

Go outside and start heating the air around it with a hair dryer

Not that I can see at all. Been through the ‘smart’ controls (bullshit) and there’s nothing there.

You are in a new house. If the estate hasn’t been finished get onto the foreman or the plumbing company doing it to sort it. It shouldn’t be causing hassle after a few months.


Oh I will be on this at about 7.30am tomorrow morning. But I’d love it, love it if I fixed it tonight somehow.

Would you not just go for a swim and throw up a few posters on the way home? Warm you up.


great savings in these new green heating systems because you cannot turn them on

The professionals are here lads. Scratching heads but here.

Any of them make a move on your missus yet?

The right call. It would be hard for the fine posters on TFK to solve a plumbing/heating issue based on “smart system type bollix thing” being “fucked”. They’ll scratch heads for most of the morning, tell you the solution, go buy the stuff, fix it and head home about 3pm and charge you a full days work. Job is oxo.


Possibly. She’s in work though so fair play if they do manage it.

Nò charge. Only in the gaff a few months and the builders are still on site.


he doesnt want anyone to be giving her kitkats while hes away

Knowing the cowboys they’ll prob send in the painter to have a look at it

Good stuff. Make sure and find out that the unit is properly registered with the manufacturer and find out what warrantee/guarantee comes with it. Often units like that come with 10 years plus warrantees so no harm to make sure it is logged. Lastly, when did the house get its Practical Completion cert? You have 12 months from that date for any snagging or defects works to be completed free of charge by the contractor. If you dont have that, find out. It’s no harm to have if you spot something else and take the chance to get it put right now.


There’ll be no dinner cooked tonight

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