Faldo's DIY General thread


Fairly bland auld colour there @iron_mike. You’ll need a splash of colour in the tiles to liven it up.

Apart from paying for it, I have no involvement whatsoever. It’s all her baby She’s been through he’ll and back with me the last year. She has free reign…


Lovely job. Send her to cooking lessons and your work is done.


Well wear Mike. I’d say ye had a few chipper dinners this week. You look after that woman well.

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Great stuff Mike. Next year you can get her a bulb for the light

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Aboy the kid. Fair play.

Youre still falling by about 3mm from left to right and you needed to get in with a wedge or two under the counter top but fuck it, no harm to have a slight slant on the work top when you’re doing a bit of the old in out, in out with the mrs in the kitchen… Less thrusting for you pal.


Get a Glass back splash chief…only job.so easy to clean and maintain and you can get in any color to add a bit of life to the kitchen

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The poor painter will have his work cut out filling and sanding it after the old splashback tiles were hacked off

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Gonna state the obvious couldn’t resist M should have painted it first👍touched up later on,splashes on the Walnut and she will have your goodies for breakfast

Lads, what’s the going rate for a plumber? Got a quote for 99e an hour, which sounds very high to me.

To do what exactly?

Very high but depends on what you’re getting done

Just give him his ice cream and move on.


That crazy… What’s the job and where?

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Fuck me now I know I’m in the wrong trade,total unadulterated rip off I’d be expecting jump for that kind of money ( female plumber obviously)

He must think you’re a looper, where’the hell did u get him?
There’s a call out fee for the real bolloxes who rip folk off alright ( rogue fucking traders) call Matt

Boiler issue in my rented gaff. It was then a service anyway but got a shout from the tenant to say it’s acting up.

Insurance not sort it?

Service a boiler (No jokes please).

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