Faldo's DIY General thread

I’ve a monitored alarm. But sure look it, if they want to rob you there’s no stopping them really.
There’s no money in robbing houses anymore I’d say anyway. There isn’t a cent of cash in my gaff, and what would you get for second hand laptops, TVs etc, not to mind stolen ones.
They seem to mainly take tools, farm equipment and oil these days. I’ve fuck all of interest to them in that department.

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Assume with the price of oil there is little point stealing that currently either.

They’d pay you to take it away

And Jewellery.

Same as, but I’m the only house of 11 in a row without one. They’d be sure to pick me first

Oil is great value these days.Im getting a 1000 litres for 380 yo yos on Friday

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Get a dummy box then


Just about to suggest same

Thought about that but surely to god any crim worth his salt knows what’s a dummy and what’s not.

It’s not the smart crim you’re worried about though just the bolloxes ticking boxes for the more serious elements ie- houses with dogs, alarms,hedges,and so on who pass on information


A house nearby me has a dummy box on it. House next door has the full set up. Both supplied by same company and there is no difference at all on viewing them. Both the same logos, size of box etc and both light up in the same manner with the flashing little blue light. Only difference is one is wired to a system and the other isnt, but you cant see that difference as the wiring is internal within the blockwork. Can get very good dummy box set ups if it is only being used as a deterrent rather than needing a monitored alarm system.


:astonished: Mug…

We don’t all live beside Derrylin😀

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Pros & Cons lad. :ronnyroar: :pint:

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Lucky escape :+1: spent a few days near there in 2000/1 my God it’s quiet, probably suit me better now though

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@Corksfinedtboy, or anyone else…I’m a day in to decorating a bedroom. One layer of wall paper gave way to another layer which had been painted. Now I’m down to another layer of paint. Does it all need to come off? Flakey in places, alright elsewhere but it leaves a little ridge which might be visible under the new paint?

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I’d take it off tbh but you could put a primer-sealer on it and then re paint


Need a sander boy, know it’s a pain, give it 30 / 40 minutes, medium paper, need to get the lines away, use a good washable matt emulsion ( good brand)2 coats minimum , use a heavy pile roller sleeve-(layers it on and leaves a bit of a minute design, helps to hide the lines)
Pm me if needed I’ll answer on WhatsApp. And ffs dont use a shovel/ spade to strip :joy:


Still see it I’d advise use a sander, I’d a similar problem last year and it nearly broke me, tbe lady thought her bedroom wall was the cistine chapel, I had to deal the wall in patches, resand, reseal and sand again
Guy who painted before me never princes the new wall and when they stripped the wallpaper it came off in lumps

Stripping paper is easyyyyyyyyyy
1 patience
2 soak with a sponge all over, repeat
Walk away
When not quite dry itll come off in sheets ( top layer)
Soak again, wait,
10 m later you’ll get all off without gouging