Faldo's DIY General thread

If someone passes by on the road, do you wave in the orthodox style with the right or go with the unorthodox left?

Talk to me about driveway stones. How much does two tons cost and how much would that cover?

What type of shovel are you using - Builders or garden?

You’d get about 30m2 from 2 tonne of stones depending on the depth.
Depending on the quantity you are buying it varies a lot.
Buying it by the tonne bag you’d be looking around 60 - 90 per tonne depending on type of stone.

What’s on the driveway at the moment? You may need to put in a base layer of gravel/hardcore first.

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125 a ton delivered. Grange builders. Covers approx 250 m2

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250m2! Did you lay them out individually end to end?

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Is an area 18x14 not approx 250m2? Putting it down on top of existing stones where they sank etc

Sure that’s a different thing altogether. It’s not really an accurate measure for coverage?

I suppose not.

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There are stones there but they’re patchy in places. The driveway is sloped a bit so probably not ideal for stones but I’m not changing it. It’s more the bit at the bottom of the slope that I’m going to address. Will just add some stones on top after I’ve pulled up a few weeds (need to clear the environmental impact with @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy first obviously).

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Could you fry an egg on it, if you had an egg?

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Just make sure you try to match what’s down there as closely as possible. Bring a handful with you to the suppliers if possible. The new stones will stick out like a sore thumb otherwise.

That’s not possible with Grange.

I don’t eat eggs

I hate to burst your bubble here but McCaffreys in Derrylin will deliver the quality stone you want for around €30 per tonne. I know it’s a distance and probably out in the current climate but some folk are being mugged off Royally and have been for generations.

That’s the kerosene, stone and liquor sorted. Add to that, the dentist there, Aidan Mellanphy will perform top notch dental work for half the cost of robbers operating locally.

I’m on the lookout for a cardiac specialist if it’s any help…


I posted the price knowing full well some lad down the country would tell me I was being mugged off.


Don’t do it. Weeds will drive you demented plus if you park car on driveway you will be raking constantly. Bollocks of a job.

Stones are only for some area you don’t want grass in or somewhere awkward.Put that black mesh under them and bang your done with it.Ive an area outside my kitchen needs doing.

Thankfully @Fagan_ODowd has assured me this is not possible because this is not the type of thing I’m capable of doing. I don’t do telephone orders and I certainly don’t do going to hardware shops or builders’ merchants. I’m far too nervous with people to tackle that sort of job. The stones are grey. I’ll go for something grey.

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