Faldo's DIY General thread

Once he moves the fence whoever asks him to move it will have to provide evidence as to why he should move it. Let them employ the surveyors


I see one big problem here. As above, I think everybody needs to move the back fence, or nobody. Some of the dividing fences could run through a tree trunk. So the solution gets expensive. Also adds leverage to why the backs might not have been extended originally.

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The old dog for the hard road and the pup for the path :+1:

Good points and ones I’ve considered. People have tried getting all the neighbours together but as always when it comes to money plenty cunts suddenly go very quiet. One of the neighbours reckons the new developer told her they would be building a wall the far side of the trees so a lot of the neighbours are happy to wait for this.

Personally I believe this is complete bullshit as I can’t see two walls either side of the tree line, leaving a sort of no man’s land if you like. Who would have responsibility for the trees then if they fell etc?

You are dead right on the maintenance issue, I had a tree surgeon look at them already when I was getting another job done and he told me it would be quite expensive, especially if there was walls either side.

I’m sick to my arse waiting for someone to clarify the whole border and listening to a load of different theories as to what will happen so I’ve decided to do my own thing and sort my own site border


They’re a bollocks of a job.

That no mans land sounds like a party venue. You don’t want that.

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Ok. Chainsaws. Hire or buy? Ive a load of big logs to chop. Knotted as fuck so the axe isn’t really an option (I broke a paying stone trying to chop one). Are those electric ones any use. I would probably use one a bit around the garden but once this job is done it would get minimal use.

Hire an electric saw from Grange Builders Providers.

If timber is full of knots best to hire a stand to hold the timber safely too, mate.

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Grange don’t appear to do a hire option.

Edit. Maybe they do. I’ll give them a bell tomorrow.

Lift out the middle section of the wall, and make a nice gap for yourself back into the area of ground you are claiming. Put a basic enough auld cheapo fence around the back of the trees. Then you have your secret garden at the back where you can store stuff or whatever. If someone comes along and proves it isn’t yours you can just put the concrete sections back in. If The builder comes along and builds a better wall, fantastic, if not you can do it yourself in a few years when you are satisfied it won’t be for naught.
If you are going to keep the trees, which seems to be the whole point of this escapade you’ll be able to do fuck all with the space anyway really. It’d look neater sectioned off


The BBQ was not working so I chanced trying to fix it as is the thing to do during a global pandemic.

It’s working away now and I have ordered a steak box from Higgins Butchers to celebrate cc @Spidey


AZ Hire in Walkinstown best bet.

Cant hire chainsaws anymore AFAIK

Some local places will ‘sell’ you one and buy it back again


Get yourself a bushman saw.

Designed for use on green timber. Not really suitable for boards or dry timber.
It will eat through reasonably sized timber for fun.

This thread has taken a real nasty turn

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Good man. Let me know what they’re like. I’m holding off till they get the rubs in (ooh errr)

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Agree with a lot of what you say but the whole point of the escapade as you put it is to clarify my exact boundary. If I have no more ground then I can plant trees of my own at my back wall to prepare privacy from the new houses coming behind me.

If on the other hand it turns out I have an extra bit of ground at the back I want to take it in and get the existing trees topped etc again before any new houses are built behind me.

I’m not trying to grab land that isn’t mine, I’m just having trouble getting someone to definitively tell me exactly where my site border is.

Did you buy current property? If so you would have had proper site map pre Mortgage signing. Contact your solicitor.

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Tis your land, you just didnt want to fill out the forms