Faldo's DIY General thread

I was just going to ask, what kind of fucking 2 bit solicitor was involved in the purchase, that should be a very straightforward thing to sort because the solicitor should have the deeds and the site map for land registry, mortgage etc. Solicitor will have it, or should have it.

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Settle down. Nobody is accusing you of being Pat Kenny


Radon barrier is the only job for weeds… They come through the mesh fairly quick


I had remembered reading this piece on a similar theme some time back. I’d say rather than waiting til the development coming in and a vacant strip of land arises, just go claim it now. No one would dispute it. The trees could have been sown as a boundary line, take it that the boundary is at the far edge of them.

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Saws are better suited to sawing than chopping


:joy: :joy: :joy:

I’ll get onto the useless cunt

You need one of these bad boys

They’re some job those yokes

His needs are new knees, not a fucking log-splitter.

No more than myself… I finished off the timer I’d cut up last week with one of those… Serious job, I was sorry I didn’t start using it sooner

That will keep the hole warm for the winter


Jaysus it’d nearly be a shame to burn that, perfection

If you hurry @blackjack has a couple of ash trees he may need removed. I’m sure he won’t see you stuck for a bit of firing…

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Not if you paid me

There is an outfit in Waterford that do this. I’d a case with a neighbour going for years over a right way. We had the right way down his passage but the house was sold two or three times in quick succession. A Clare fella owns it now and put a gate across and claimed we had no right way. For a finish the crowd in Waterford produced maps that showed we actually owned the passage down and half of his yard. There was originally two houses at the bottom of the passage. The one in our field was knocked fifty or sixty years ago. They had it sorted for us in a matter of hours after spending three years with solicitors.


Same amount outside against the shed covered. Few trees fell down the land in the last storm
Only for the c 19 you wouldn’t get near half the stuff you could be doing around the place

Stop, places are pristine looking, I’ve seen lads out cutting hedges and lawns that would sleep on the floor if there was work in the bed.

I’m closing off a bit of the back yard for a kids play area at the moment with a bit of picket fencing and after that might take out the small side lawn and put in a patio area or stone garden maybe

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Fair play… Im doing something similar myself, just ordered paving slabs, sleepers and some stone last week that are ment to be coming tomorrow. I’m hoping the girls will stay playing outside for a few hrs a day so I’ll get a bit done with it🙈

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That’s the killer alright. What type of stone did you go for and what did it’s cost you per tonne up around there?

I’m looking at angular stone as opposed to round pebbles

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