Faldo's DIY General thread

Try a different barrel of gas

I don’t have a load of them sitting around the yard.

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Your gas cylinder isn’t compatible with the connector. Your options are:

A) Replace the connector attached to the heater.
B) A potential handy escape - if it’s a new drum of gas take it back and replace it with cylinder of Butane gas which is the most common gas for those implements.
C) If it’s an emergency transfer the connectors (assuming you have another one attached to something).

Let’s have a photograph to see if the heater and gas are compatible

Have you put in the batteries?

What do you mean by connector - the regulator?

We gave an unused heater (still boxed) to friends of ours and they’ve had a world of pain trying to get right regulator for the gas.

Yes. Switch them if you have another.

It’s either butane or propane. Match the gas to the regulator

I know it’s the right type of regulator but I have another one done in Waterford that I’ll pick up at the weekend.

Right. You’ve the correct regulator. You possibly have an in-compatible gas bottle.
Is there an instruction leaflet with the heater? Might be useful re: gas type.
I’m beginning to think you’re yanking my chain here.

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Got this baby working. No thanks to tfk. I hasten to add.

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And in a typical @Fagan_ODowd fit of pique you won’t tell us what was wrong.

Thinly veiled “I had the wrong regulator all along but fucked if I’m admitting” post from Fagan…


I’ve to caulk the top of some skirting to a wall asap. There are two bits that are fucked for which I need tfk advice. The first is a chunk of wall where the plaster came off in a lump by the looks of it. Leaving a gaping hole.

The second is a join where the lads measured the boards too long so the join is way out from the wall.

Time is up. I need fast fixes. I have my thumb up my hole and am thoroughly enjoying it. So much so that it’s leading to procrastination. I’m gonna wash my hands and start caulking the half decent bits of the room. I expect tfk to have solved my other quandries when I check back. All suggestions welcome. Even from the likes of @Thomas_Brady thanks lads

Cc @cowpat @Corksfinedtboy et all

Cowboys Ted.

You can get a small tub of polyfilla and with a filling knife just patch it up and a bit of paint. As good as you’d manage.

I’d see if you can take off the skirting board and cut it properly. The edges on that look shite as well as making a big gap. You may need to have a decent skill saw to get a clean cut on it.


Fill walk first, sand and paint, then caulk , wipe off with a damp rah immediately, oh feck just saw joint

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I don’t know why you tagged me. I have problems cleaning my hole not to mind DIY .


I’d personally sand edges, fill joint and and again, that’ gaps too big for caulking, I’d put some wood down there to pack it then when tbe caulk has something to rest on lash it on

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