Faldo's DIY General thread

It’s on occasions like this you find out who your friends are. I’m sure * the PM’s of support, barrows and even mixers are flooding in.

  • I’m less sure than previously indicated.

I wouldn’t even have to let the cunts into my house. Be ideal

Is it for a small shed or just an area around the back to tidy up?

Small shed. It can’t take much more. Small enough back yard.

I laboured for a Mayo cunt doing concrete in Chicago … there were times when the truck couldnt get next to near a back yard so muggings often had to empty near on a full load by wheel barrow … there was one job where I had to run up a plank on a bank of mud and dump the concrete into a chute running into the back yard … you’d be bollixed… i remember having to do something similar on another job and having to run about 30 barrow loads on planks through a building to get to the back — zig zagging through the building they were and I stll drunk and only after 2 hrs sleep after staying out chasing tail and ending up having a pizza and a wank instead… I nearly cried that day as the barrow kept falling off the planks and the sweat pouring out of me ---- Stevie G scored that beauty against Olymiakios the same day.

Great days ---- I was like Carl Froch coming home to Irelad.


Blocks or timber frame

I remember one job where we were laying blocks and the truck couldn’t get around the back so dropped them all in front of the house. Two story timber frame so couldn’t go through the house either, so had to be lugged around the back of the house and then by the end up four flights of scaffolding. Never so glad to see the back of a place. All for the princely sum of €300 a week with a half day Saturday, half seven to five during the week. Go out and drink half of it on Saturday night then.
A great summer but I swore I’d never again be seen on a building site again after it :joy:


The shed? It’ll be an auld metal yoke

Relentless cunt of a boss roaring for mortar then as well :nauseated_face:

Where was that? - yeah, that summer finished me also — The dirty Kiltimagh cunt got his pound of flesh.

All over the place around north Kerry/west limerick. Celtic tiger days, lads getting paid by the block. I think they were getting €1.50 a block or something mental. Think the boss was getting €2 and he’d keep the €0.50. I could be misremembering but it was mental at the time even. They’d be dying Monday after drinking all weekend, but come Friday and Saturday they were thinking about their cheques for the weekend and they’d be flat to the mat. Lads they made some wedge and blew the whole lot of it. Mid twenties lads laying blocks and driving around in brand new jeeps and spending €500 a weekend on booze and drugs. Glory days

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1.35 a block was the most I seen paid out around Clare. A good block layer could lay 300 blocks a day no bother. Some wedge. 50 quid cash to the labourer.

I got fuck all off em anyway :joy:

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They got a job, after I’d left thank fuck, for a car park. Mile upon mile of straight block on the flat. Mortar coming in by machine and blocks laid beside them so no messing. One of them made over €4K in a week. Tax man saw fuck all as well. One of them was even drawing the dole :joy:

I was labouring for a brickie doing the underground car park in dundrum shopping centre. The cunt had me flat out. I don’t know what price he was on but he was earning savage money at the time. He was telling me he had the house paid off in Swords and he was only in his middle thirties at the time. He looked after me too. I was only with him for a fortnight. He was giving me more than 50 quid a week sub.

I was flat out getting bricks and mortar that time in dundrum. Same deal. Big massive, high, long walls. The boys were in their element. I had the boys in the teleporters absolutely plagued.

Lads would be stone mad for block on flat, like that they would have a week’s wages by Tuesday lunchtime.

You’d to be nice to the teleporter man. He could make your life a whole pile easier. If he was out with you he’d fuck it all somewhere handy for him and you’d be goosed

Youd to be half a politician if you were labouring on a big site. Remembering fellas kids names and what they were interested in.

You couldn’t talk too long then or the brickie would give you a belt of a trowel when you came back

My back is sore even talking about it. Blisters on hands and holes in the fingers from the blocks. The thoughts of it