Famous Limerick Hurling Supporters

Theres a wee little spot call S Lane
Where you go when you’re too good for Spain
With girls from far and near
Where your change looks like gear
Sure maybe not all tax exiles moneys is in vein


An awful lot of lads here are very rattled by the Limerick hurling team.

Keep it coming lads.


Stage 5

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First fish is it?

Best of luck to my Galway brethren. I love you all.


At least he had the courage to speak out, when it comes to the fear factor Dr Tony is only trotting after @balbec for these lads

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Get the white vestments ready lads.

If it can’t be limerick and it can’t be Waterford then I hope Galway do it. That’s how high in my esteem I hold ye lads
The west’s awake

You need some new material kid

OMG, that is a red rag to a bull.

he aint doing much takling now the dirtbag

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A Limerick man called Terry
Got a job on the British telly
But he bent the knee
In front of the Queen
For his Irishness was momentary


In Galway, a fart of the brain
Saw them turn to an agent named Shane
Twas the bravest of punts
By the bog-dwelling cunts
But Limerick will dish up the pain.


Another one for Laz

There was a Galwegian called Mc Nulty
Whos team when they lost got all sulky
Marooned in the Treaty his wife was the boss
With the Matties bate she nare gave a toss
to the homecoming win now in front me


There once was a Pole from Kilmallock
Herded all the sheep into his paddock
Said not a word about the game
Don’t even mention a name
And all the mutton headed fucking eejits did what they were told


Rap battles

Roaster style :laughing:

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She has suffered alot in fairness to her.


There was a Kilmallock born Pole,
Who handed the Galwegians their hole
Try as they might
To put up a fight
Like their hurlers, in the end they fold


5/10. The end of it left you down a bit there. Like 2018.