FAO Chartered Accountants

This is a company where the auditor resigned, the owner was/is in trouble with another company with revenue

Owner has a history of not paying people alright

More than likely there was something dodgy turf cutter. I see pwc got a big fine in uk today for some dodgy sign off on Jp Morgan

Lads what are the PWC crowd like I see they have become official GAA sponsors.
I would welcom opinions of the company and also the sort that work there

[quote=“turfcutter, post: 612404”]Lads what are the PWC crowd like I see they have become official GAA sponsors.
I would welcom opinions of the company and also the sort that work there[/quote]
Pricks With Calculators

Could you expand on that comment tre its a bit general

they are very professional and charge accordingly:) I think they were in the news last year over some messing over the photos of the new intake? Would have thought cricket and rugby would be more in their line for sponsorshop though.

they arent full blown cunts so

PwC is where people who aren’t sharp enough or socially adjusted enough to be admitted into KPMG go.

Thank you Bandage I’m rather glad you provided an input in this thread as the other were not quite as insightful as yourself.

From what I can gather PWC are OK but not great either

I’m very surprised to see PWC throw money at the GAA like this, wouldn’t have thought they’d get much benefit from advertising to Joe Public. Anyone who is ever going to need their services has heard of them already, would have thought the partners would have preferred to keep their money in their pockets or spend it on more targeted areas like sponsoring specific industry events and the like.

PWC can be summarised by the following

FW: This would be my shortlist for the top 10

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Sent: 27 October 2010 11:27

Subject: Fw: This would be my shortlist for the top 10

FYI. New clunge.

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27/10/2010 10:19
Subject Fw: This would be my shortlist for the top 10

Lads a couple added and also departments

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26/10/2010 17:17

Subject Re: This would be my shortlist for the top 10Link

Great work…have reservations about the last one getting in…

pwc | One Spencer Dock | North Wall Quay | Dublin 1 | Ireland |

26/10/2010 16:59
Subject This would be my shortlist for the top 10

bit surprised at you Brain of course PWC are targeting a specific industry one related to rural Ireland and one that is in the middle of good times

Yes I’d say PwC are trying to get more dairy farmers on their books with the imminent demise of milk quotas.

what do i need to do to net house improvements off against rental income?

Just keep your receipts. Can do it over a couple of years I think. But careful of that word “improvements” - you need to frame them as maintenance costs to be allowable. So it’s all repairs and general upkeep that you want to be deducting - don’t go putting an extension on the gaff.

TASE - careful of taking too much advice from rocko. He is from the ‘best german in the class’ school of accountants who would rather a gold star from revenue than save a few for the hard pressed punter.

an extension it is

Did anyone else avail of the offer to receive Accountancy Ireland in soft copy as well as hard copy? I’m just browsing Vol. 44 here and it’s a publishing triumph.

I don’t recall seeing the offer flash into my inbox but it’s certainly something that would interest me.

Any TFK members have an interest in attending the Leinster Society spring luncheon with special guest speaker Minister Joan Burton T.D.?

Have ye paid your subs yet?